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- Better Solid-state Batteries - Faraday Institution SOLBAT project
- Device-level photonic memories and logic applications using phase-change materials
- Best MS Part II Project Presentation 2018
- Maximising the resolving power of the scanning tunneling microscope
- Angus J Wilkinson
- Advanced Diffraction Analysis in the SEM (EBSD and ECCI)
- Grain Boundary Sliding and Superplasticity
- James Marrow
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- Oxford Materials Tour to China 2005
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- Roger Reed FREng
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- Projects Administration
- Strains Induced by Hydride Formation in Zirconium
- Interfaces Between Graphene‐Related Materials and MAPbI3: Insights from First‐Principles
- Edmund Tarleton
- Tailored homo- and hetero- lanthanide porphyrin dimers: a synthetic strategy for integrating multiple spintronic functionalities into a single molecule
- Low Cost, Robust, Environmentally Friendly Geopolymer–Mesoporous Carbon Composites for Efficient Solar Powered Steam Generation
- Low-Dose Aberration-Free Imaging of Li-Rich Cathode Materials
- Degradation Mechanisms in an All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Battery
- Device-level photonic memories and logic applications using phase-change materials
- Halide double perovskites for water splitting
- Electrical percolation through a discontinuous Au nanoparticle film
- Kyriakos Porfyrakis
- Improving the specific energy of the Li-ion battery with new cathode material
- Strategy for making bicontinuous conducting composite materials in a controllable fashion
- Crossover from lattice to plasmonic polarons of a spin-polarised electron gas in ferromagnetic EuO
- Magnetic edge states and coherent manipulation of graphene nanoribbons
- The geometric blueprint of perovskites
- Studying crystallization using X-ray radiography and machine learning
- Revealing Strain-Induced Effects in Ultrathin Heterostructures at the Nanoscale
- Operando Monitoring of the Solution-Mediated Discharge and Charge Processes in a Na–O2 Battery Using Liquid-Electrochemical Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Bridging the gap at the percolation threshold
- Strong grain neighbour effects in polycrystals
- Cleanroom
- Prof Nicole Grobert appointed to European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors
- Rosalind Franklin Institute invest in unique electron microscope
- Oxford to have key role in multi-million pound energy storage research
- Members of Academia Europaea
- MMM2018 Best Poster Prize
- Professor Peter Bruce FRS appointed Vice President of the Royal Society
- Anglo-Thai Education Award 2018 in Engineering and Technology
- President of International Federation of Societies for Microscopy
- ICSM2018 Best Poster Award
- 2018 Equality and Diversity Awards
- Nuclear Institute Young Speakers Competition
- MANTECH 2018 Best Paper Award
- Publications
- TATA Steel Prize awarded to Georgina Mordue
- Prelims Practicals Prize 2017
- Nanomaterials
- Processing and Manufacturing
- Computational Materials Modelling
- Enterprise and Innovation
- Characterisation
- Paul Bagot
- Keyna O'Reilly
- Research Sponsors
- Fellowship Opportunities
- Funding Opportunities
- Metal Processing
- Materials Processing
- Polymer Processing
- Semiconductor Processing
- Superconductor Processing
- Equipment Help
- Archaeology and Archaeo-metallurgy
- Characterisation Service
- Microscopy and Microanalysis
- Culham Materials Research Facility
- Understanding High Temperature Small Scale Mechanical Performance of Materials for Nuclear Fusion
- Advanced Gettering of Multicrystalline Silicon for Commercial Solar Cells
- Multiscale Characterisation of Interfaces in Photovoltaic Devices
- Characterisation and Modelling of Tandem Solar Cells
- Modeling of Micromechanical Testing of Irradiated Nuclear Fusion Materials
- Ultra low resistance joints for bismuth-based high temperature superconducting magnets
- Next generation of solid-state lithium batteries electrolytes
- Improving melt cleanliness
- Batteries for grid-scale energy storage
- Microstructural control of Al alloys using intrinsic oxides
- Recycling of Al alloys
- Anode-less Li-metal batteries
- Exploring metal plasticity through atomic imaging of core structure
- Exploring the frontiers of electron ptychography
- Atomic-scale characterisation of Li battery materials
- Mechanisms for the control of fatigue resistance of advanced lightweight nano-composites
- Applications of aberration-corrected high resolution electron microscopy
- Dynamic TEM development for improved understanding of reactions and processes on the ns timescale
- Image reconstruction techniques for super-resolution electron microscopy
- Quantitative atomic resolution imaging
- Research Highlights
- Ultra high resolution imaging of soft (biological) materials
- Electron Microscopy in Liquids
- Recyclable advanced fibre materials for innovative water purification
- Smart ceramic fibres for next generation NetZero applications
- Functional fibres towards photovoltaic smart cloths
- Development of aluminium matrix nanocomposites for high temperature applications
- Development of metal-metal matrix nanocomposites for hight strength applications
- Manufacturing and characterization of new light weight alloys
- Ultra-sensitive gas sensors based on MOF and polymer electrical percolation networks
- Atomic resolution imaging of ultra-thin oxide films
- Atomic surface structure and secondary electron emission
- Electrical conductivity of 2D nanocrystal arrays
- Improving the resolving power of the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM)
- Synthesis and characterisation of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) at the atomic scale
- Three projects on the materials chemistry and electrochemistry of batteries: lithium-air, all solid state lithium and sodium-ion batteries
- Bench-top experimental tests of gravitation in quantum systems
- Efficient quantum device tuning using machine learning
- Nanomechanical Systems (NEMS) based on novel materials
- Phase separation and self-ordering in thin film polymers
- Refractory Metal - Steel Diffusion Bonds for Nuclear Fusion
- Understanding degradation of nuclear steels using micro-mechanical methods
- Modelling interfaces at the nanoscale for next-generation photovoltaics
- Machine Learning Simulations of the Transport Properties of High Entropy Liquid Electrolytes
- Postgraduate Resarch Projects Available
- Mauro Pasta
- Lifestart Virgin Galactic Unite Challenge winners
- Prelims Practicals Prize 2018
- Part I Practicals Prize 2018
- Safety in Materials
- Departmental Safety Team
- Enhanced Li-O2 Battery Performance
- Oxide Analogs of Halide Perovskites and the New Semiconductor Ba2AgIO6
- Oxtex spinout wins WOBA Innovation Award 2019
- Rising Star in Computational Materials Science
- European Ceramic Society 2019 Stuijts Award
- Laser writing of individual nitrogen-vacancy defects in diamond with near-unity yield
- Understanding the role of selenium in defect passivation for highly efficient selenium-alloyed cadmium telluride solar cells
- All-optical spiking neurosynaptic networks with self-learning capabilities
- 2019 ACS Nano Lectureship Award
- Anisotropic Fracture Dynamics Due to Local Lattice Distortions
- Microstructural Growth of Lithium in All-Solid-State Batteries
- What Triggers Oxygen Loss in Oxygen Redox Cathode Materials?
- The Keith Prout Crystallography Fund
- Safety Policies
- Polarons from First Principles, without Supercells
- Ruy Sebastian Bonilla
- Safety Committee
- Safety Documents
- New EPSRC grants to test materials for next-generation nuclear fission reactors
- Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowship
- Strong Opto-structural coupling in low dimensional GeSe3 films
- Rebecca Nicholls
- Oxford leading project to revolutionise electric vehicle batteries
- Operando Tomographic Characterisation of Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices
- Alexander Robertson
- Patrick Grant FREng
- Richard Todd
- Probing redox in Li-ion battery cathode materials using electron imaging and spectroscopy
- In situ analysis of crack fields
- Royal Society University Research Fellowship
- Influence of the support on stabilizing local defects in strained monolayer oxide films
- Atomic and electronic structure of an epitaxial Nb2O honeycomb monolayer on Au(111)
- Barbara Gabrys
- Critical stripping in solid electrolyte cells
- Christopher Patrick
- Novel brain-inspired and neuromorphic photonic computing
- Robert Weatherup
- Device Materials
- Giant Photo-Induced Chirality in Thin Film Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST)
- John Titchmarsh
- John Sykes
- George Smith FRS
- Sir Peter Hirsch FRS
- Professor Sir Richard Brook OBE ScD FREng
- Sir John Pethica FRS FREng MRIA
- Sergei Dudarev
- Ralf Drautz
- Brian Cantor CBE FREng FRS
- Functionalisation of boron nitride from first principles
- Enzo Liotti
- Helical Dislocations: Observation of vacancy defect bias of screw dislocations in neutron irradiated Fe-9Cr
- Interfacial characterization of hybrid solid-liquid electrolytes for Li-metal anode batteries
- Lithium rich anti-perovskite solid-electrolytes for all-solid-state Li-metal batteries
- Efficiently measuring a quantum device using machine learning
- A coherent nanomechanical oscillator driven by single-electron tunnelling
- IoM3 James S Walker Prize 2018
- Prelims Prize 2018-2019
- Chinnapat Panwisawas
- Judy Kim
- Distinguishing Bulk and Surface Redox Processes In Li-ion Battery Cathodes
- Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure (DAFS) of battery materials
- Niobium Dioxide as an Alternative to Graphite Anode
- FEMMS Best Student Poster 2019
- Depth-Dependent Oxygen Redox Activity in Lithium-Rich Layered Oxide Cathodes
- Micromechanical Studies of Fatigue
- Nanoscratch Testing - fundamentals of wear
- Dislocation density distribution at slip band-grain boundary intersections
- High Entropy Alloys
- Tension–compression asymmetry of slip in Ti–6Al
- A new approach to very high lithium salt content quasi-solid state electrolytes for lithium metal batteries using plastic crystals
- Quantum units from the topological engineering of molecular graphenoids
- Characterisation of slip and twin activity using digital image correlation and crystal plasticity finite element simulation: Application to orthorhomic a-uranium
- 'Excellence in Nuclear Reactor Science in the UK' Award
- Superstructure control of first-cycle voltage hysteresis in O-redox cathodes
- Using alpha hulls to automatically and reproducibly detect edge clusters in atom probe tomography datasets
- First Female Winner of Riviere Prize: Dr Alison Crossley
- Large amplitude charge noise and random telegraph fluctuations in room-temperature graphene single-electron transistors
- The interface between Li6.5La3Zr1.5Ta0.5O12 and liquid electrolyte
- Oxford leads in £80M National Nuclear User Facility Award
- Spatial mapping of hydrogen in coatings for fusion using Atom Probe Tomography to inform modelling of tritium trapping
- Quantifying oxygen distortions in lithium-rich transition-metal-oxide cathodes using ABF STEM
- Active Metamaterials with Negative Static Electric Susceptibility
- J-integral analysis: an EDXD and DIC comparative study for a fatigue crack
- Understanding and optimizing EBIC pn-junction characterization from modelling insights
- TATA Steel Prize awarded to Poppy Miller
- Prelims Practicals Prize 2019
- Materials Selection Poster Competition 2020
- Design and characterisation of ex situ bulk MgB2 superconductors containing a nanoscale dispersion of artificial pinning centres
- Measuring the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature of tungsten-tantalum alloy using chevron-notched micro-cantilevers
- In-line measurement of the dielectric permittivity of materials during additive manufacturing and 3D data reconstruction
- Radio-frequency optomechanical characterization of a silicon nitride drum
- Materials Postdocs Association
- Role of metallic leads and electronic degeneracies in thermoelectric power generation in quantum dots
- Filamentary high-resolution electrical probes for nanoengineering
- New Journal "Materials for Quantum Technology"
- Shapes of epitaxial gold nanocrystals on SrTiO3 substrates
- Origin of the tunable carrier selectivity of atomic-layer-deposited Ti0x nanolayers in crystalline silicone solar cells
- Understanding the conversion mechanism and performance of monodisperse FeF2 nanocrystal cathodes
- Anna Kareer
- Professor Simon Benjamin: National Quantum Computing Centre
- Dr Joseph Prentice
- Nanometre to micrometre length-scale techniques for characterising environmentally-assisted cracking: An appraisal
- Reflections on the analysis of interfaces and grain boundaries by Atom Probe Tomography
- Microstructural and micromechanical assessment of aged ultra-fast sintered functionality graded iron/tungsten composites
- Hitachi Metals-Oxford UTC of Metallurgy
- Effect of the sintering temperature on the microstructure and superconducting properties of field assisted sintered MgB2 bulks
- Catalyst chemical state and adsorbed species during methanol conversion on copper using ambient pressure x-ray spectroscopies
- Influence of hydrogen core force shielding on dislocation junctions in iron
- Dr David Collins: IoM3 Silver Medal
- IoM3 Award: Yijun LIm
- Microstructural examination of neutron, proton and self-ion irradiation damage in a model Fe9Cr alloy
- Single-Materials Graphene Thermocouples
- The Case for Biotech on Mars
- In-situ X-ray radiography of twinned crystal growth of primary Al13Fe4
- Pete Nellist: New Royal Society Fellow
- Element segregation and a2 formation in primary a of a near-a Ti-alloy
- Graphene-passivated nickel as an efficient hole-injecting electrode for large area organic semiconductor devices
- In situ measurement and modelling of the growth and length scale of twins in a-uranium
- Filling vacancies in a Prussian blue analogue using mechanochemical post-synthetic modification
- A method for fracture toughness measurement in trabecular bone using computed tomography, image correlation and finite element method
- Giving to Materials
- Quantum Motion spin-out raises £8M funding
- In-situ X-ray tomography of wear: a feasibility study
- Dr James Thomas
- Simulating hydrogen in fcc materials with discrete dislocation plasticity
- Metal 3D printing as a disruptive technology for superalloys
- A study of the interaction of oxygen with the a2 phase in the model alloy Ti-7wt%Al
- A modelling framework for coupled hydrogen diffusion and mechanical behaviour of engineering components
- Phase reconstruction using fast binary 4D STEM data
- Low-dose phase retrieval of biological specimens using cryo-electron ptychography
- Risk Assessments
- An improved method to model dislocation self-climb
- A phase field model for the growth and characteristic thickness of deformation-induced twins
- Current-density-dependent electroplating in Ca Electrolytes: from globules to dendrites
- Virtual Outreach
- Direct observation and catalytic role of mediator atom in 2D materials
- Tetragonality of Fe-C martensite: a pattern matching electron backscatter diffraction analysis compared to X-ray diffraction
- Charge fluctuations at the Si-Si02 interface and its effect on surface recombination in solar cells
- Sensitive radiofrequency readout of quantum dots using an ultra-low-noise SQUID amplifier
- A more holistic characterisation of internal interfaces in a variety of materials via complementary use of transmission Kikuchi diffraction and Atom probe tomography
- Charging Mechanism of Li2MnO3
- A piperidinium salt stabilizes efficient metal-halide perovskite solar cells
- Fabrication of Li1+xAlxGe2-x(PO4) thin films by sputtering for solid electrolytes
- The origin of chemical inhomogeneity in garnet electrolytes and its impact on the electrochemical performance
- 3D finite element modelling of water diffusion behaviour of jute/PLA composite based on X-ray computed tomography
- SocialMedia Feeds
- Evaluation of the Laguerre-Gaussian mode purity produced by three-dimensional-printed microwave spiral phase plates
- In-situ X-ray radiography of primary Fe-rich intermetallic compound formation
- Electron microscopy and atom probe tomography of nanoindentation deformation in oxide dispersion strengthened steels
- Royal Society Armourers & Brasiers' Company Prize
- Modified deformation behaviour of self-ion irradiated tungsten: A combined nano-indentation HR-EBSD and crystal plasticity study
- Spin Orientation and Magnetostriction of Tb1−xDyxFe2 from First Principles
- Webforms
- AI Automatic Tuning for Quantum Computing
- Key principles and operational practices for improved nanotechnology environmental exposure assessment
- Novel Approaches to Investigate Structural Properties of Nuclear Materials
- Interface Nanolayers for Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
- Moisture encapsulants for stable perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells
- Advanced Metallisation Technology for Terawatt Sustainable Photovoltaics
- The role of Ni and Co in suppressing O-loss in Li-rich layered cathodes
- Direct mapping of local coefficient in 2D materials nanostructures via scanning thermal gate microscopy
- Cold creep of titanium: analysis of stress relaxation using synchrotron diffraction and crystal plasticity simulations
- Paving the way toward highly efficient, high-energy potassium-ion batteries with ionic-liquid electrolytes
- Processing APT spectral backgrounds for improved quantification
- Formation of prismatic dislocation loops during unloading in nanoindentation
- Orientation dependence of the nano-indentation behaviour of pure Tungsten
- Experimental determination of the {111}/{001} surface energy ratio for Pd crystals
- Revealing the Solid-Electrolyte Interphase for Water-in-Salt Electrolytes
- BixTey thermoelectric thin films sputtered at room temperature onto moving polymer web
- Dr Ali Mostead
- Postgraduate Induction Virtual Tour
- Oxford Materials - Central Site Key Locations
- Oxford Materials - Begbroke Site Key Locations
- Nanoindentation in multi-modal map combinations: a correlative approach to local mechanical property assessment
- 2020 roadmap on solid-state batteries
- Outlook on K-ion batteries
- Crystal Orientation Dependent Oxidation Modes at the Buried Graphene-Cu Interface
- Conducting polymer percolation gas sensor on a flexible substrate
- Scratching the surface: elastic rotations beneath nanoscratch and nanoindentation tests
- Novel reduced-activation TiVCrFe based high entropy alloys
- Diversity and Inclusion Fellow 2020-2021
- Assessment of the fracture toughness of neutron-irradiated nuclear graphite by 3D analysis of the crack displacement field
- Synthesis, characterisation and applications of core-shell carbon-hexagonal boron nitride nanotubes
- Atomic-scale microstructure of metal halide perovskite
- Congratulations to our new professors
- Professor Grobert: Chair Appointment
- First-cycle voltage hysteresis in Li-rich 3d cathodes associated with molecular O2 trapped in the bulk
- Society of Glass Technology - Oldfield Prize 2020
- Understanding metal organic chemical vapour deposition of monolayer WS2
- Honorary Fellows of the Royal Microscopical Society
- Effects of polymer infiltration processing temperature on mechanical & thermal properties of Nextel 312 Fibre SiOC ceramics
- Predicting dwell fatigue life in titanium alloys using modelling and experiment
- New nanoscale artificial pinning centres for NbTi superconductors
- Alloys-by-design: application to new superalloys for additive manufacturing
- Ultra-high temperature deformation in a single crystal suuperalloy: Mesoscale process simulation and micromechanisms
- electron Physical Science Imaging Centre (ePSIC)
- Biodegradable plastics - Oxford Materials advises the European Commission
- Characterising Lithium-Ion Electrolytes via Operando Raman Microspectroscopy
- Parallel convolutional processing using an integrated photonic tensor core
- Optimising the fibre push-out method to evaluate interfacial failure in SiC/BN/SiC ceramic matrix composites
- Antimony thin films demonstrate programmable optical nonlinearity
- Chemo-bio catalysis using carbon supports: application in H2-driven cofactor recycling
- Neper2CAE and PyCiGen: Scripts to generate polycrystals and interface elements in Abaqus
- OxForward: Alumni information and resources
- Bridging the gap: Predictive theory and numerics for designing solid state quantum processors
- Experimental evidence of disorder enhanced electron-phonon scattering in graphene devices
- Profilometry-based indentation plastometry to obtain stress-strain curves from anistropic superalloy components
- Redox chemistry and the role role of trapped molecular O2 in Li-rich disordered rocksalt oxyfluoride cathodes
- Imaging Sodium Dendite Growth in all-solid-state sodium batteries
- Robin Morris - Institute of Physics Fellow
- In situ observation of the deformation and fracture of an alumina-ceramic matrix
- In situ solid state nanopore fabrication
- Complete mapping of the thermoelectric properties of a single molecule
- Stress Awareness
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Black Academic Futures
- Gender Equality
- Flexible Working
- Parents and Carers Hub
- Bullying and Harassment
- Race Ethnicity and Nationality
- Religion and Belief
- The Anti-Racism Ally Network
- Emails and personal pronouns
- Athena SWAN
- Case Studies
- Unravelling the silicon-silicon dioxide interface under different operating conditions
- Materials Info Centre
- IOM3 Young Person's Lecture Competition 2021
- Admin and Support Staff
- Education Support
- Human Resources
- Finance and Grants
- Communications and Events
- IT Support and Data
- Buildings and Facilities
- Getting Started
- Forms and Documents
- Research and Equipment
- Committees, Policies and Rules
- A novel trench fibre push-out method to evaluate interfacial failure in long fibre composites
- Graphene nanogaps for the directed assembly of single-nanoparticle devices
- Stores and Workshops
- EPSRC funds £1M project
- Faraday Institution: boosting clean energy research
- Peter Watson Prize 2021
- In situ X-ray tomography characterisation of 3D deformation of C/C-Sic composites
- The role of O2 in O-redox cathodes for Li-on batteries
- Professor Saiful Islam: Statutory Chair in Materials Modelling
- Visualising plating-induced cracking in lithium anode solid electrolyte cells
- Synthetic tuning of the quantum properties of open-shell radicaloids
- Top-10 Conference Award (International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics)
- A new bilayer lithography technique
- Finance - Getting Started
- Projects & Grants
- Fellowships
- Small Research Facilities (SRFs)
- Expenses
- Purchasing
- High Energy Density Single Crystal NMC/Li6PS5CI Cathodes for All-Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries
- Heatstroke: why the hotter the clock, the more accurate its timekeeping
- Assessing the potential of inversion layer solar cells
- Temperature dependence of lithium anode voiding in argyrodite solid-state batteries
- An in-situ synchrotron diffraction study of stress relaxation in titanium
- Formation of an artificial Mg2+permeable interphase on Mg anodes
- Prof Fernando Audebert
- Guide to Water Free Lithium Bis(oxalate) Borate (LiBOB)
- Chemo-bio catalysis using carbon supports: application in H2-driven cofactor recycling
- Dislocation dynamics modelling of the creep behaviour of particle-strengthened materials
- A breakthrough development in Deep Reinforcement Learning
- FFT phase-field model combined with cohesive composite voxels for fracture of composite materials with interfaces
- Circuit quantum electrodynamics with carbon-nanotube-based superconducting quantum circuits
- Travel and Trips
- Website Management
- Publishing and research outputs
- Electronic structure and electron-transport properties of three metal hexacyanoferrates
- Xenon plasma focussed ion beam preparation of an Al-6XXX alloy sample for atom probe tomography
- Ruomu Zhang: EMAG21 Poster Winner
- Conversion-type fluoride cathodes: Current state of the art
- Extending estimating Hydrogen content in Atom Probe Tomography where H2 molecule formation occurs
- Robert House
- Robert House: RAEng Research Fellow
- Consortium to develop prototype solid-state batteries
- Recruitment and Casual Work
- Pay and Contracts
- Leave and Absence
- Reward and Recognition
- Training and Development
- Right to work and visas
- Staff Benefits
- Academic Visitors
- Leaving Employment
- Research organisation
- Device optimisation and large-scale roll-to-roll manufacturability of flexible thin-film thermoelectric generators
- 2021-22 pay award for non-clinical staff
- Saiful Islam
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence and deep Learning to large EM Data
- Equipment and Bookings
- Oxford University Open Days
- Materials Science Open Days
- Y12 Materials & Physics Day
- Y10 Materials & Physics Day
- Novel Li alloys for solid state batteries
- J-integral analysis of the elastic strain fields of ferrite deformation twins using electron backscatter diffraction
- Accurate and efficient computation of optical absorption spectra of molecular crystals
- Characterisation of solar-aged porous silicon carbide for concentrated solar power receivers
- In situ mechanical loading and neutron Bragg-edge imaging, applied to polygranular graphite on IMAT@ISIS
- Workshops for Schools
- Metal-metal asperity contact: Fundamentals of wear
- Computational Polarised Light Microscopy: Rapid Mapping of Micro-Texture Regions in Ti
- Interviewee Hospitality
- Probing Buried Interfaces in Solid-State Batteries Using Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Annual Equality Report: 2020/2021
- Insight into University
- Primary Science Day
- Oxford & Cambridge Student Conferences
- Multivalent Ion Insertion Reactions in Battery Cathodes
- Dr Ed Darnbrough
- Dr Joanna Zajac
- Development of Solar-Electrolysis
- Quantum Dot Photovoltaics
- Metal Nanowire Based Devices for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Aluminium Plasma Drive
- Kikuchi diffraction and Atom Probe Tomography: a holistic characterisation approach
- Privacy Notices
- Emily Milan: IoM3 Award Winner
- Congratulations to our new Professor and Associate Professor
- Fruit Powered Batteries: A New Guinness World Record
- Detection of trapped molecular O2 in a charged Li-rich cathode by Neutron PDF
- Structural complexity in Prussian blue analogues
- APT and TEM study of behaviour of alloying elements in neutron-irradiated zirconium-based alloys
- Hirsch Lecture 2022
- In situ and operando characterisation of Li metal-solid electrolyte interfaces
- Pushing the boundaries of lithium battery research with atomistic modelling on different scales
- Reminder about home working guidance
- Reconfigurable low-emissivity optical coating using ultrathin phase change materials
- On the influence of alloy composition on the additive manufacturability of Ni-based superalloys
- On optimising ring-rolling manufacturability of C&W nickel superalloys for aero-engine turbine disc
- Modelling the nucleation and propagation of cracks at twin boundaries
- Staff Updates - Hilary Term 2022
- Singlet oxygen and dioxygen bond cleavage in the aprotic lithium-oxygen battery
- Dr Yige Sun
- A new class of alumina-forming superalloy for 3D printing
- High temperature spherical nano-indentation of graphite crystals
- Epitaxially constrained grain boundary structures in an oxide honeycomb monolayer
- Pushing the strength limit of nickel-based superalloys (DPhil)
- Dr Stanislaw Zankowski
- Dr Barbara Maciejewska
- Junfu Bu
- IT policies
- New Ways of Working (NWW)
- IT policy - enforced updating within 7days
- Real-time nanomechanical property modulation as a framework for tunable NEMS
- Ed Tarleton: RAEng Senior Fellowship
- Oxford launches The ZERO Institute
- RoaRQ: Robust and Reliable Quantum Computing
- Susie Speller: EPSRC Open Plus Fellow
- A crystal plasticity model that accounts for grain size effects
- Insights into thermodynamic properties for battery applications
- Cycle-induced interfacial degradation and transition-metal cross-over
- Room-temperature coherence boosting of molecular graphenoids
- Efficiently computing excitations of complex systems
- Influence of soil type on chemiresistive detection of buried ANFO
- Atomic-scale investigation of cation doping and defect clustering in the anti-perovskite Na3OCI sodium-ion conductor
- Crack propagation in fine grained graphites
- The Pollution Clock Project
- Yuanbo T. Tang
- Results of Research Excellence Framework 2021 published
- Staff Updates - Trinity Term 2022
- Queen's Birthday Honours: Professor Sir Peter Bruce
- Sir Peter Bruce: Royal Society of Chemistry Longstaff Prize
- Uncovering the interplay of Competing Distortions in the Prussian Blue Analogue K2Cu[Fe(CN)6]
- New Associate Professor: Rebecca Nicholls
- Student prize winners
- Polarisation-selective reconfigurability in hybridised-active-dielectric nanowires
- Materials VPN
- Deformation behaviour of ion-irradiated FeCr: a nanoindentation study
- High-precision atomic-scale strain mapping of nanoparticles from STEM images
- Direct imaging of oxygen shifts associated with the oxygen redox of Li-rich layered oxides
- Menopause
- Christopher Allen
- Effect of irradiation swelling on the mechanical properties of unidirectional SiC/SiC composites
- DCCEM Image Competition Winners 2022
- Daphne Jackson Trust Fellowship: Dr Clara Barker
- Exploring cost effective solar panels
- Monadic Pavlovian associative learning in a backpropgation-free photonic network
- Use of synchrotron X-rays for direct observation of wear damage in optically-opaque contacts
- Harassment Advisors' Policy
- Materials Graduate Studies Committee
- Royal Society Hughes Medal
- Academic Staff Committee (ASC)
- Imaging Polymer Crystal Structures
- Size-selected Alloy Nanoparticles for Electrochemical Hydrogen Production
- Three new full professors
- Effects of Hydrogen in Linepipe Steels
- Micromechanics of Primary Creep and Creep-Fatigue Interactions in Structural Materials
- Athena Swan Charter
- Collaboration agreement with Digital University Kerala
- Professor Sebastian Bonilla: 2022 Philip Leverhulme Prize
- Crystal growth control in aluminium alloys
- Liquid lithium corrosion for nuclear fusion
- Enabling sustainable fusion and other power generation technologies by novel manufacturing
- Nanozyme-enhanced diagnostics: leveraging structural insights for performance optimisation
- Professor Richard Todd: ACS Fellow
- Benzo-extended cyclohepta[def]fluorene derivatives with very low flowing triplet states
- Defect-driven anomalous transport in fast-ion conducting solid electrolytes
- Exchange-induced spin polarization in a single magnetic molecule junction
- Understanding intercalation chemistry for sustainable aqueous zinc-manganese dioxide batteries
- Towards accurate atom scale characterisation of hydrogen passivation of interfaces in TOPCon architectures
- Automated calibration of model-driven reconstructions in atom probe tomography
- Secondary phase engineering to enhanced recyclability of aluminium from low-grade scrap
- Artificial Intelligence X-ray Imaging
- High Voltage Charge Storage Processes in Beyond Li Batteries
- Athena SWAN Award
- Equality Diversity & Inclusion Committee (EDIC)
- Announcements
- Influence of High-Speed Mechanical Vibration and Environments on Precise Laser Machining
- British Science Association Honorary Fellow
- Modelling of Kelvin probe surface voltage and photovoltage in dielectric-semiconductor interfaces
- Electrostatic tuning of ionic charge in SiO2 dielectric thin films
- Observations of contact resistance in TOPCon and PERC solar cells
- In situ characterisation of intragranular slip bands by high-resolution electron backscatter diffraction
- Hoop strain measurement during a SiC/SiC ceramic composite tube burst test by X-ray computed tomography
- Charge-state dependent vibrational relaxation in a single-molecule junction
- In situ observation of compressive deformation of an interconnected network of zinc oxide tetrapods
- HR-EBSD analysis of in situ stable crack growth at the micron scale
- Image-based analysis for crack propagation resistance in polygranular nuclear graphite
- Dr Yuanbo Tang and the Henry Royce Institute
- Macroscopic analysis of time dependent plasticity in Ti alloys
- Sir Peter Bruce and BBC Sounds
- Barbara Maciejewska: Outstanding Research Supervision Award
- The role of grain boundaries in solid-state Li-metal batteries
- 2025 Calendar of Awareness Days
- Hazardous Waste
- Mental Health First Aid
- Workshop – Between Hype and Conspiracy: Can We Engage with Conspiracy Theorists?
- Talk – Technoscientific Conspiracies: From Chemtrails to Transhumanism
- Johnson Matthey Student Prize Winners 2021-2022
- Armourers and Brasiers'/TATA Prize Winners 2021-2022
- TATA Steel Prize Part I Practicals 2021-2022
- Quiet/Private Rooms
- 3D analysis of fatigue crack fields and crack growth by in situ synchrotron X-ray tomography
- Picoperovskites: the smallest conceivable isolated halide perovskite structures formed within carbon nanotubes
- Delocalized electron holes on oxygen in a battery cathode
- An iterative method for reference pattern selection in high-resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD)
- Abi Lister and STEM for Britain 2023
- Supramolecular self-assembly as a tool to preserve the electronic purity of perylene diimide chromophores
- Professor Mauro Pasta: Lead on new Faraday/SOLBAT project
- Zihao Wang
- Structural changes in the silver-carbon composite anode interlayer of solid-state batteries
- The effect of in situ irradiation on the superconducting performance of REBa2Cu3O7-8-coated conductors
- 2D Materials as 'winner-takes-all; neurons for next-generation AI computing
- New Centre for Energy Materials Research
- Unveiling the mechanism of the in situ formation of 3D fibre macroassemblies with controlled properties
- Effect of microsegregation and heat treatment on localised y and y' compositions in single crystal Ni-based superalloys
- Lithium plating stripping: toward anode-free solid-state batteries
- Recombination in passivating contacts
- Atomically thin optomemristive feedback neurons
- Alloys-by-design: application to new superalloys for additive manufacturing
- Potential 'game-changing' solid state batteries research
- Rob Weatherup: Royal Society of Chemistry Joseph Black Prize
- Consultancies, editorial work, spin-out companies and other activities
- Saiful Islam: 2023 Robert Perrin Award
- Scalable high-precision trimming of photonic resonances by polymer exposure to energetic beams
- Solvent-in-salt electrolytes for fluoride ion batteries
- Improving the efficiency and stability of pervoskite solar cells
- James Marrow: MPLS Teaching Award 2023
- In-memory photonic dot-product engine with electrically programmable weight banks
- Integrated optical memristors
- Delivery Addresses
- Dendrite initiation and propagation in lithium metal solid-state batteries
- Charging Li-air batteries and degradation
- Anion-polarisation-directed short-range-order in antiperovskite Li2FeSo
- Interview with Dr Greg Rees
- Sebastian Bonilla - new Associate Professor and Tutorial Fellow
- MPLS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Prize
- Li-air batteries and degradation
- Looped pipelines enabling effective 3D qubit lattices in a strictly 2D device
- Nanoscale chemistry and Atom Probe Tomography
- Ionic transport and non-aqueous potassium-ion
- Defect-trapped Pt single-site electrocatalysts
- Irradiation hardening of Eurofer-97
- CO2 hydrogenation and X-ray spectroscopy
- Phase-coherent charge transport through a Porphyrin nanoribbon
- Internal Newsletter
- Katharina (Tinka) Marquardt
- Sustainable nanomanufacturing
- Free space optical information processing, light emitting and detection
- More-than-Moore Photonic Accelerators
- Leveraging Emerging Low-Dimensional Materials and Novel Architectures for Enhanced Nanoscale Quantum Optics
- Dislocation assisted grain boundary sliding : how dislocation interact with grain boundaries (characterization of materials / device materials/ Energy storage materials)
- Empowering electro-ceramics: engineering the grain boundary crystallography
- Grain boundary engineering for humidity sensing high entropy ceramics
- Precision Forecasting for Terawatt-Scale Solar Energy
- Yuanbo Tang: Higher Education Academic Fellow
- Professor Bhaskaran: new RAEng Fellow
- Elastic strain associated with irradiation-induced defects in self-ion irradiated tungsten
- In situ observation of crystal reorientation in polygranular graphite
- Elastic and plastic mechanical properties of lithium measured by nanoindentation
- Chemical origins of a fast-charge performance in disordered carbon anodes
- Atomic understanding of the coherent interface between lead iodide perovskite and lead iodide
- Insights into surface chemistry down to nanoscale
- Multiscale evidence for weathering and the preservation of carbonaceous material in an Antartic micrometeorite
- Design considerations for the bottom cell in perovskite/ silicon tandems
- A further £19M investment by the Faraday Institution
- Rob Weatherup: Roger Parsons Medal
- Laura Wheatley: ESAS International Young Researcher Prize
- Clara Barker: Royal Society of Chemistry grant
- A breakthrough in water treatment
- Yu Shu's BBC Radio 4 interview
- Understanding oxide-based catalysts for high-pressure CO2 hydrogenation using X-ray techniques
- Exploiting Spectroscopy Techniques for Improved Charge Transport Layers in Advanced Solar Energy Devices
- 3D electrospinning of AI203/SrO2 fibrous aerogels for multipurpose thermal insulation
- Planar NbnOm clusters on the AU(111) surface
- Solar panel technology is set to be turbo-charged
- Solid electrolyte interphases in lithium metal batteries
- Atomic-scale imaging of polyvinyl alcohol crystallinity using electron ptychography
- Approaching the limit: Micromechanics of high cycle fatigue
- In-situ radiation damage in high temperature superconducting magnet materials for fusion reactors
- Irradiation damage of iron-based superconductors
- BBC's 'Fake or Fortune?'
- Chemically Sensitive Imaging of Pharmaceuticals
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Electron Ptychographic Tomography
- Multislice Electron Ptychography
- Towards a graphene transparent conducting electrode for perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells
- Amorphous-crystalline nanostructured Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets using laser powder bed fusion
- Printed and flexible in/organic memristor devices
- From square to cube: AI hardware processes in higher dimensions
- Enhanced coherence by coupling spins through a delocalised pi-system
- Johnson Matthey Student Prize 2022-2023
- Improving halide perovskite photovoltaic performance by understanding how structure and local composition control properties
- Development of advanced EBSD techniques for high temperature superconductors
- Moon Dust and Moon Metal - Materials for Lunar In-situ Resource Utilisation
- Manufacturing Sustainable Carbon Fibres
- Sustainable and efficient production of high-quality SiC fibres
- Astrophoria Foundation Year
- Mapping the Structure and Chemical State of Nanoparticle Catalysts for Sustainable Reactions.
- High-energy all-solid-state lithium batteries enabled by Co-free LiNiO2 cathodes with robust outside-in structures
- Highlight in Nanotechnology World Association
- Thermal conductivity of carbon/boron nitride heteronanotube and boron nitride nanotube buckypapers
- Molecular imaging and theoretical modelling of 2D nucleotide base networks
- Detection, measurement and prediction of water flow through grain boundary networks
- Nano- Engineering and Fabrication of Oxide based CMC’s for high temperature applications
- Revisiting Neel 60 years on
- N=8 Armchair graphene nanoribbons: solution syntheis and high charge carrier mobility
- On the origin of the non-Arrhenius na-ion Conductivity in Na3OBr
- Roadmap on photovoltaic absorber materials for sustainable energy conversion
- Activation of Al2O3 surface passivation of silicon: separating bulk and surface effects
- Actis: a strictly local union-find decoder
- Historical market projections and the future of silicon solar cells
- Richard Todd: European Ceramic Society
- Clara Barker: IoP Diversity & Inclusion rep
- 2023 Wolfram Innovator Award
- 2023 PVSEC-34 Award: Yan Wang
- IoM3 Robert Perrin Award 2023
- Rosanna Roskilly - IoM3 double prize winner
- Advancing fluoride-ion batteries with a Pb-PbF2 counter electrode and a diluted liquid electrolyte
- On the size-dependent fatigue behaviour of laser powder bed fusion Ti-6A1-4v
- Origin of age softening in the refractory high-entropy alloys
- Can shallow quantum circuits scramble local noise into global white noise?
- Sustainable metallurgy for scrap-based steelmaking processes
- Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells performance related to grain boundary crystallography.
- Identifying the grain boundary character distribution in ceramics using scanning electron nanobeam diffraction (SEND)- A case study on Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC) for sustainable hydrogen generation.
- The elastic properties of transparent ceramics and their dependence on the grain boundary network and grain size
- In-situ/operando mapping of hydrogen in metals with multi-modal X-ray imaging
- Plasticity and micromechanics of recycled aluminium alloys from low-grad scrap
- Closing the reality gap in quantum devices
- Examiner's Reports
- Now open: The Jamies 2024
- Armourers and Brasiers'/TATA Prize Winners 2022-2023
- Innovative technique reveals memory effects of atomic motion at the fastest ever timescale
- Substitution of lead with tin suppresses ionic transport in halide perovskite optoelectronics
- Observation of interfacial degradation of Li6PS5CI against lithium metal and LiCoO2 via In Situ electrochemical raman microscopy
- Scalable non-volatile tuning of photonic computational memories by automated silicon ion implantation
- MPLS Outstanding Research Supervision Award
- BBC's 'Inside the Factory' with Dr Clara Barker
- German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
- Irradiation tolerance of high temperature superconducting tapes, coils, joints and associated magnet components
- Understanding voltage fade in Li-rich batteries
- Dr Anastasia Soeriyadi: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship
- Department of Materials: Use of cookies on this website
- New Centre for Doctoral Training in Inorganic Materials for Advanced Manufacturing (IMAT)
- CogX Superconductors film
- Superconducting: Enabling Transformative Technologies
- The persistence of memory in ionic conduction probed by nonlinear optics
- Fusion Power: a new CDT
- New report on semiconductors - a framework for UK/South Korea collaboration
- Effect of microstructure on the cycling behaviour of Li-In alloy anodes for solid-state batteries
- Influence on contouring the lithium metal/solid electrolyte interface on the critical current for dendrites
- Iron fluroide-lithium metal batteries in bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide-based ionic liquid electrolytes
- Atomistic understanding of the coherent interface between lead iodide perovskite and lead iodide
- Solvent-free NMC electrodes for Li-ion batteries
- Theory of defect-induced crystal field perturbations in rare-earth magnets
- Solar technology: degradation modes and de-risking practical development
- Initiation of dendritic failure of LLZTO via sub-surface lithium deposition
- Trapped O2 and the orgin of voltage fade in layered Li-rich cathodes
- Porphyrin-fused graphene nanoribbons
- Dose and compositional dependence of irradiation-induced property change in FeCr
- Enhancing dielectric-silicon interfaces through surface electric fields during firing
- Dr Mengyun Wang: Schmidt AI Fellow
- Stabilising Ni-rich cathode interfaces with Li-ion batteries
- Quantum interference enhances the performance of single-molecule transistors
- Improving performance for electric vehicles
- New Royal Society Fellow
- Effects of sulphate modification of stoichiometric and lithium-rich LiNiO2 cathode materials
- In situ formation of suspended graphene windows for lab-based XPS in liquid and gas environments
- Electrospinning nonspinnable sols to ceramic fibres and springs
- Microcantilever investigation of slow crack growth and crack healing in aluminium oxide
- Phase segregation and nanoconfined fluid O2 in a lithium-rich oxide cathode
- Deformation localisation in ion-irradiated Fe and Fe10Cr
- Bandgap-universal passivation enables stable perovskite solar cells with low photovoltage loss
- Removal and reoccurrence of LLZTO surface contaminants under glovebox conditions
- Lithium-magnesium alloy electrode performance
- Integrated photonic neuromorphic computing: opportunities and challenges
- MPLS Impact Awards 2024
- TEM and deformation twins
- Solid state lithium batteries and lithium-rich magnesium electrodes
- Integrated photonic neuromorphic computing
- RSC Analytical Science Early Career Prize
- High-entropy materials
- ORGA and temperature
- Dr Ryan Schofield
- Dr Julia Ramirez González
- IoP Pippard Prize 2024
- Teaching Labs: Bronze LEAF Award
- APT: solubility limits of phosphorous pentoxide
- New UK quantum research hubs
- Photonic AI: exciting new developments
- Nominations sought: Royal Society Faraday Discovery Fellowships
- Greg Mazur
- Dr Laura Wheatley: from academia to industry
- Welcome to Dr Greg Mazur
- Cavity-coupled spin qubits for networked quantum information technologies
- Engineering point defects in wide-gap materials for quantum technologies
- Cavity-enhanced chemical sensing for next-generation portable devices
- Atmospheric aerosol measurement using chip-scale optical devices
- Welcome to Prof Hannah Stern
- Assoc Prof Robert House
- Postgraduate Studies in Materials Science
- Further information about research in Materials
- Example Careers
- Admissions Process Key Dates
- Funding information
- Self-assembled monolayer protection of high temperature superconductor surfaces
- Predicting performance of high temperature superconductors under fusion conditions
- Understanding irradiation-induced defects in high temperature superconductors using electron and x-ray spectroscopy techniques
- Understanding the microscopic origin of dissipation in superconducting qubits
- Hannah Stern
- Computational Modelling of High Performance Permanent Magnets
- Zachary Goodwin
- High temperature mechanical testing of quasi-brittle materials
- Powering up solid state batteries: mastering the solid electrolytes
- Empowering next generation batteries via microstructural design of the cathode
- Preventing catastrophic failure: Engineering interfaces in W-based fusion shield materials
- Nanoindentation of polymers
- Processing mechanical properties relationships in disordered rocksalt battery cathodes
- Development of spin qubits in two-dimensional materials for optical quantum technologies
- Atomistic simulations to understand defects in rare earth superconductors
- Design of Fast-Charging Cathode Materials for Sodium-Ion Battery Applications
- Defect engineering in wide bandgap two-dimensional materials
- Cavity coupling of spin defects in two-dimensional materials
- Nanolayer Materials for Electrochemical Ionic Synapses in Neuromorphic Computing
- Atomic resolution imaging of quantum spin defects in two dimensional materials
- New Materials for Solar Cells: Atomistic Modelling of Metal Halide Perovskites
- Modelling investigation of spatial variation of vibrational modes
- Saiful Islam: Faraday Award
- Rob Weatherup: Full Professor
- Effects of hydrogen on mechanical properties of metals for nuclear fusion and hydrogen energy systems
- EBSD pattern simulation to extract grain boundary variation with changing synthesis pressures – crossing disciplines from Materials to Earth science
- Engineering topological states in Germanium quantum wells
- Mysteries of Mechanical deformation in high entropy alloys
- Creep and Fatigue of CuCrZr Alloys – a micromechanical study
- Advancing Micro Mechanical Testing Under Non-Ambient Conditions
- Micromechanical mysteries of Tin based solders
- Analytical electron microscopy to study transmutation products in neutron irradiated SiC and validation from first-principles modelling
- Tamsin Whitfield
- Understanding The Electrical Double Layer of Localized High Concentration Electrolytes
- Phase Transitions in 2D Materials and Thin Films using Machine Learning
- Utility of near- and mid-term quantum computers
- Thin film growth of novel superconductors for quantum devices
- Development of new approach to fitting EXAFS data for complex crystalline materials such as cuprate high temperature superconductors
- Carbon capture and storage: CO2 sequestration in anorthite-dominated rocks
- Cross-architecture tuning using machine learning
- Influence of Xe and Ga milling species
- Spherical nanoindentation of structural nuclear materials
- Micromechanics of Tribocorrosion in Offshore Wind Turbines
- Potassium alloy reference electrodes for potassium-ion batteries
- A sustainable and low-cost alternative within Li-ion battery technology
- Characterisation and Modelling of Potassium-Ion Batteries
- Solar cells and recombination in silicon
- New highly efficient solar cells
- Fatigue behaviour and 3D-printed meta-biomaterials
- Distinguishing bulk redox & near-surface degradation in batteries
- Understanding phase decomposition in SMART-W alloys for fusion first wall applications
- Extending the limits of novel lightweight alloys
- Improving the stability of Refractory Superalloys
- Public & Community Engagement with Research
- Advancing the theory of core-loss spectroscopy
- Effect of the formation rate on the stability of anode-free lithium metal batteries
- Mg-rich disordered rocksalt oxide cathodes for Mg-ion batteries
- Profilometry-based indentation plastometry at high temperature
- A novel hydrogen charging method for stress corrosion cracking
- Realising coated conductors for fusion with required performance and at lower cost
- New graduate studies film
- Stanislaw Zankowski: ECS PRiME Award
- Oxygen loss, chemical expansion and delithiation in Li-rich oxides
- Visualisation of tetrahedral Li in the alkali layers of L-rich layered metal oxides
- Professor Mike Whelan
- Developing Novel Superconducting Materials for Quantum Technologies
- Superconducting Logic Circuits Through Germanium-Based Quantum Devices
- Developing functional ceramic fibre materials for ultralightweight mobile sensors and energy harvesting devices
- Topological phases through Superconductor-Quantum Hall Hybrid Devices in Germanium
- Advanced mechanical characterisation of next generation inorganic fibre materials towards sustainable fibre manufacturing for energy & transport applications
- Systematic Modelling of Disorder In B/C/N and Si/C Composites
- Controlling crystal growth in LDPs for solar cells
- Scanning tunneling microscopy of bimetallic molecules
- DFT and XAS in TM oxides
- Mixed-mode fracture: combination of Arcan fixture and stereo-DIC
- Optimizing hydrogen fuel cells by understanding the atomic structure of nano-catalysts
- Decarbonisation of Al alloy production by next generation recirculation approaches
- Nonaqueous synthesis of low-vacancy chromium hexacyanochromate
- Symmetric dopant-free Si solar cells enabled by TiOx nanolayers
- Imidazolium-based ionic liquid electrolytes for fluoride ion batteries
- Li distribution and all-solid-state battery composite electrodes
- The orientation effect on cyclic deformation of laser powder bed fusion
- Towards early fault tolerance on a 2 x N array of Qubits equipped with shuttling
- Exploring multicomponent phase space to discover new materials
- Potential of plasmonic nanofibrous active layers
- Solar cells: oxide-nitride nanolayer stacks
- The thermodynamics of multicomponent high-entropy materials
- Tunnel nanolayers for improved polysilicon passivating contacts
- Silicon solar cells: surface passivation and tunnel oxide passivating contacts
- Crystal plasticity modelling for Fusion Energy
- Mechanistic modelling of hydrogen-material interactions
- Machine Learning in NMR Crystallography
- Accurate simulations for Muon Spectroscopy
- Quantitative High-Throughput Characterisation of Catalyst Nanoparticles Using Advanced 4D STEM and Spectroscopy
- Atom probe analysis of Pt alloy catalysts for nitric acid production
- Sebastian Bonilla: SCGC-FIRST Award
- Effects of composition, thermal ageing and deformation on the microstructure-property relationship in Al-6xxx alloys
- Nikolaos Farmakidis
- Advances in roll-to-roll patterned thin-film thermoelectrics
- Charting degradation modes and de-risking practical development
- Layered Li-ion batteries: interpretation of oxygen K-edge core loss spectra
- Energy-efficient integrated electro-optic memristors