Conversion-type fluoride cathodes: Current state of the art


A bar graph depicting the energy produced by the various elements

The greater conversion rates offered by metal fluoride cathodes over intercalation cathodes were examined by this team from the Pasta Group, with an emphasis on active material dissolution, and particle fusing, electrolyte consumption, and mitigating capacity fade by rational electrolyte design.  Recent work in the field has established the possibility of a high discharge rate in transition metal fluorides at significant active material mass fraction.

Lorenz Olbrich, Albert Xiao and Mauro Pasta examined the relationship between rate capability and active material fraction.  Tuning transition metal fluoride chemistry via cation and anion substitution demonstrated the potential to improve its electrochemical properties.  

This opinion ('Converstion-type fluoride cathodes: Current state of the art'), published in Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, presents a brief technoeconomic analysis, which highlights the practical advantages of different transition metal chemistries.