On-line journals
Most journals are now available in electronic form to members of the University using workstations registered in the Oxford domain. Oxford e-Journals gives the full list of currently available journals. It is worthwhile checking the list regularly, as the University is constantly in negotiations with publishers in order to add more titles.
Printed journals held in the Materials library
The Departmental library receives in hard copy the following titles. The latest issues can be found on the display rack on the window sill in the Journal Room.
- Acta Biomaterialia
- Acta Materialia
- International Materials Reviews
- Materials Today
- Materials World
- Nature
- Science
Listed below are titles which are housed in the Journal Room, Archive Area and Begroke. A detailed holdings and location document is on display on the door of the Library Office.
- Acta Biomaterialia 1995-
- Acta Materialia 1996-
- Acta Metallurgica now Acta materialia 1953-1989
- Acta Metallurgica et Materialia now Acta materialia 1990-1995
- Advanced Materials & Processes 1986-
- Advanced Performance Materials 1994-1999
- Advances in Cement Research 1987-1997 Begbroke
- BCIRA Journal 1957-1973
- British Corrosion Journal (later title Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology) 1965-2002 v.1-37
- Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams 1986-1990
- Bulletin of Materials Science 1990-1997
- Bulletin of the Japan Institute of Metals 1989-1994
- Chinese Journal of Materials Research v. 13-14, 15 (1-5), 16 (2 & 6), 17 (3-6), 18 (1-4, 6), 19 (1-4, 6), 20 (2)
- Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology 2003-2016 (formerly British Corrosion Journal)
- International journal of materials research :Zeitschrift fϋr metallkune 2006-2010 (Earlier title Zeitschrift fϋr metallkune)
- International Materials Reviews 1987 -
- International Metallurgical Reviews 1972-1975 (later title International Materials Reviews)
- International Metals Reviews (formerly Metallurgical Reviews) 1976-1986
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (in 2 parts) Oct 1997-1999
- JOM 1993- v.44- (incomplete)
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Online 1995-) (earlier title J of the Less Common metals) 1991-2003
- Journal of Composite Materials 1967-1981
- Journal of Electron Microscopy 1979-2006 (v.28-55)
- Journal of Electron Microscopy Techniques 1988-1991
- Journal of Materials Research 1986- 2006 (v.21)
- Journal of Materials Science 1966-2003
- Journal of Materials Science Letters 1982-2003
- Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 1990-2003
- Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 1990-2003
- Journal of Microscopy 1969-2001 (online: 1997-)
- Journal of Nuclear Materials 1959-1971
- Journal of Phase Equilibria 1992-2003
- Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 1981-1995
- Journal of Scientific Instruments (later title J of Physics E) 1947-1967 v. 26-44
- Journal of the American Ceramic Society 1980-98
- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 1989-
- Journal of the Institute of Metals 1924-1973
- Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute 1926-1973
- Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals ( Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi) 1984-1988
- Journal of the Less Common Metals 1959-1991 (later title J of alloys and compounds)
- Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society 1966-1968
- Materials Characterization 1990-1998
- Materials Engineering 1990 vol 1 nos 1 & 2
- Materials Letters 1991- 2007 (v. 61)
- Materials Science and Engineering 1966-1989
- Materials Science and Technology 1985-1996; 1999-2003
- Materials Today 1998-
- Materials Transactions JIM 1989-2014
- Materials World 1993- (earlier title Metals and materials)
- Metal Progress 1947-1966; 1982-Sept.1986
- Metal Science 1974-1982
- Metal Science Journal (later title Metal Science) 1967-1973
- Metallurgical Abstracts 1934-1967 (v. 1-32) Begbroke
- Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 1994-2014
- Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 1994-2014
- Metallurgical Reviews 1956-1971
- Metallurgical Transactions 1970-1974
- Metallurgical Transactions A 1975-1993
- Metallurgical Transactions B 1979-1993
- Metals and Materials 1985-1992 (later title Materials World)
- Metals and Materials (Korean Inst. of Metals & Mat.) 1995 –2001,2003-
- Metals Technology (The Metals Society) 1974-1984
- Micron 1969-1983
- Micron and Microscopica Acta 1984-1992
- Micron 1993-1996
- Microscopy and Analysis 1988-1998
- Microscopy Research and Technique 1992-1997
- Modelling and Simulation in Mat.Sci. & Engng July 1993-1999
- MRS Bulletin 1986-2003
- Nanostructured Materials 1993-Nov 1999 (on-line)
- Nature only 1 year
- Nature Materials 2004-2009 v8 no.5
- New Scientist latest 5 years kept
- Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi-Journal of the Japan Institute of metals 1984-1988
- Philosophical Magazine 1962-1977
- Philosophical Magazine A 1978-2002
- Philosophical Magazine B 1978-2002
- Philosophical Magazine 2003-2007
- Philosophical Magazine Letters 1987-2007
- Physics & Chemistry of Solids 1963-1980
- Physics Bulletin 1980- Sept.1988
- Physics of Metals & Metallography 1957-1990
- Physics World Oct. 1988-July 2001
- Powder Metallurgy 1958-1998
- Proceedings of the Physical Society 1966-1970
- Proceedings of the Royal Society (Series A0 1963-May 1998)
- Proceedings: Royal Microscopical Society 1979-1997
- Progress in Materials Science 1961- April 2014
- Progress in Polymer Science 1999 -Feb 2004
- Radiation Effects 1969-1988
- Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 1989-1991
- Rare Metals 1989-1997
- Science 1 year only
- Science Reports of the Tohoku University 1959-1990
- Scripta Materialia 1996-Feb 2004
- Scripta Metallurgica 1967-1989
- Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 1990-1995
- Times Higher Education Supplement 6 months
- Transactions of the American Society for Metals 1952-1961
- Transactions of the Iron & Steel Inst. of Japan 1977-1986
- Transactions of the Japan Inst. of Metals 1960-1988
- Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME 1953-1969
- Transactions Quarterly ASM 1962-1969
- Zeitschrift fϋr Metallkunde 1965-2006 (v. 97(3)) (continued as International journal of materials research :Zeitschrift fϋr metallkunde)