Fellowship Opportunities
Below is a list of up-coming fellowship opportunities.
- EPSRC Fellowships
- European Commission Marie Curie fellowships
- Royal Society University Research Fellowships
- Royal Society Industrial Fellowships
- Royal Academy of Engineering Postdoctoral research fellowships
- Glasstone Research Fellowships in Science
- Toshiba Research Fellowships
Existing members of department should also refer to the Fellowship information in the Materials Info Centre.
EPSRC fellowships

See website: http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/skills/fellows and also see https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/
In December 2023, EPSRC changed some details of their fellowship schemes. These are personal, career development focussed awards to support excellent candidates with ambitious independent research projects, offered at 2 levels. There are no longer any closing dates for fellowship applications, they can be submitted at any time.
Postdoctoral Fellowships are for applicants with either a doctorate or at least 4 years experience in a relevant field by the start of the fellowship (but for applicants from the Materials field are only open in the general area of energy, but can cover discovery science, innovation, instrumentation and technique development).
Open Fellowships are for applicants with a doctorate and some years of additional research experience. These can be in any topic area covered by the EPSRC research portfolio, be up to five years long and may be held part time.
EPSRC postdoctoral fellowships Dec 2023: responsive mode
You must have either:
• a PhD
• at least four years experience in a relevant field by the start of your fellowship
This early career opportunity is only open in selected research areas, and for Materials applicants that means only in Energy.
EPSRC open fellowships Dec 2023: responsive mode
These are personal, career development focused awards, and can be held for up to 5 years. There are no restrictions on the field that can be applied for. You must have either:
• a PhD and some years of additional research experience
• more than four years experience in a relevant field by the start of your fellowship
EPSRC open plus fellowships Dec 2023: responsive mode
Personal, career development focused awards, with an additional focus on enhancing the research environment and culture. There are no restrictions on the field that can be applied for. You must have either:
• a PhD and some years of additional research experience
• more than four years experience in a relevant field by the start of your fellowship.
European Commission Marie Curie fellowships

These fellowships are for researchers at all stages of their careers, in the public and private sectors, from initial research training, specifically intended for young people, to life long learning and career development. Efforts will also be made to increase participation by women researchers, by encouraging equal opportunities in all 'Marie Curie Actions', by designing the actions to ensure that researchers can achieve an appropriate work/life balance and by facilitating resuming a research career after a break.
Website: http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/
Royal Society University Research Fellowships

These enable outstanding scientists to build an independent research career. Awards are tenable for five years in the first instance and cover the fellow's salary, estates and indirect costs at a rate of 80 per cent of full economic costs. Research expenses will also be provided. Approximately 35 Fellowships will be available each year. The success rate from the 2012 round was 7.9% .
Website: http://royalsociety.org/grants/schemes/university-research/ and http://royalsociety.org/grants/schemes/
Royal Society Industry fellowships

The scheme aims to enhance knowledge transfer in science and technology between those in industry and those in academia in the UK. Awards can be for any period up to two years full time or four years pro rata.
Website: http://royalsociety.org/grants/schemes/industry-fellowship/ and http://royalsociety.org/grants/schemes/
Royal Academy of Engineering Postdoctoral research fellowships

These promote excellence in engineering by providing support for high-quality engineers who are developing their interests in academic research as a stepping stone to a successful research career. Fellowships are for a period of five years.
Website: https://www.raeng.org.uk/grants-and-prizes/grants/support-for-research/raeng-research-fellowship
Glasstone Research Fellowships in Science
There are two Glasstone Research Fellowships in Science available annually for early career researchers, one open to men and one open to women. These fellowships can only be held at the departments of Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Materials, Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Statistics due to the restrictions of the bequest of Samuel and Violette Glasstone.
Website: https://www.mpls.ox.ac.uk/postdocs/fellowships/glasstone-research-fellowships-in-science
Toshiba Research Fellowships
These offer scientists an opportunity to join one of Toshiba’s high-tech research teams in Japan for up to two years.
Website: http://www.toshiba.eu/eu/Toshiba-Fellowship-Programme/