Postgraduate Project Management & Concise Timelines

The Oxford Materials Project Management Scheme for research students

This scheme enables and encourages students to take responsibility for the successful progress and outcome of their research by prompting them to assess expectations and progress throughout the duration of the DPhil. The following forms must be completed by each student in consultation with their supervisor, at approximately six-monthly intervals.  The forms are then uploaded to your folder on the 'Materials: PGR Progression' on-line site. The deadlines for submission are given in the 'timelines' for each of our research degree programmes which are available on the same on-line site.


Project Management Form 1 - Project Description Form  (form template also available via 'Materials: PGR Progression')  

Upload PMF1 and its associated Gantt Chart, as a single pdf, to 'Materials: PGR Progression' in Week 0-1 of your second term - usually Hilary Term (4-year CDT students: Week 0-1 of your third term).


Project Management Form 2 - Interim Progress Report Form (form template also available via 'Materials: PGR Progression')

Upload PMF2 and its associated Gantt Chart, as a single pdf, to 'Materials: PGR Progression' in your tenth month - usually July (4-year CDT students: Week 1-2 of MT of your second year).


Project Management Form 3 - Regular Project Analysis Form (form template also available via 'Materials: PGR Progression')

Upload relevant form as per the instruction both on the actual form and in your Materials Graduate Student Handbook


Project Management Form 4 - Completion Phase (form template also available via 'Materials: PGR Progression')

Upload relevant form as per the instruction both on the actual form and in your Materials Graduate Student Handbook


Supporting documents: Project Management Workshop


Concise Timelines for Materials Research degrees