Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Introduction to ED&I

The department is fully committed to promoting equality in all activities. We ensure the highest standards of equality are adhered to when recruiting and encourage applications from a diverse range of candidates. This starts with our undergraduate recruitment strategy which places a strong emphasis on outreach activities aimed at attracting a diverse pool of high achievers. In recruiting researchers and academic staff we encourage potential applicants to consider the supportive nature of the working environment that we offer and the generous and flexible family support that the University provides. The department believes that flexible working should be a normal aspiration for staff on any grade, allowing them to plan and manage childcare or other caring responsibilities.

The department is very supportive of current staff who wish to take family leave. We also actively encourage applications from those who have taken career breaks. The department has created a ‘Family Factsheet’, in which both current staff and applicants can find information about family leave, childcare and related topics.

The department has established an Equality Diversity & Inclusion Committee (EDIC). This committee meets at least termly, and aims to promote equality and diversity within the Department of Materials on grounds of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality, religion and age. Further details can be found via the links in the side menu. 


2022-2023 committee representatives:

Chair: Professor Angus Wilkinson

Secretary: Rebecca Bradford

Professor Hazel Assender

Dr Clara Barker

Professor Simon Benjamin

Jacx Chan

Severine Edmunds-Ribierre

Professor Marina Galano

Leanne Jones

Lorraine Laird

Tongshan Liu

Dr Yige Sun

Dr Charlotte Sweeney


MPLS: Dr Amy Hinks/Hannah Ravenswood