A scientific symposium to mark the 100th birthday of Professor Sir Peter Hirsch FRS, sponsored by JEOL, in conjunction with the biennial Hume-Rothery Lecture to take place at the Department of of Materials and St Edmund Hall on MONDAY 17th MARCH.

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Tentative programme:

Department of Materials,

Hume-Rothery Building, OX1 3PH

09:00 - 12:30       


  • Arrival between 9-9.30am for a 9.30am start. Please check in at the Hume-Rothery reception 

  • Formal launch of the recently installed JEOL GrandARM300F transmission electron microscope

  • Demonstrations of microscope available during the day and the following day (see below)
  • Symposium on the Characterisation of Radiation Damage in Materials, including invited speakers: Daniel Mason, Susie Speller, Colin Humphreys and Linn Hobbs 

St Edmund Hall, Queen's Lane, OX1 4AR (No reserved parking)

13:00 - 16:00

  • Buffet lunch, posters and session in honour of Sir Peter Hirsch FRS
  • Presentation honouring Professor Sir Peter Hirsch FRS
  • Networking opportunities
  • St Edmund Hall is a 15 min walk from Hume-Rothery. If you would like transport, please email lucinda.okane@materials.ox.ac.uk prior to the event so this can be arranged.

Department of Materials,

Lecture Room 1, Thom Building, OX1 3PH

17:00 - 20:00

  • Assembly Point: Please enter Hume-Rothery where a member of the events team will escort you to Lecture Room1, Thom Building.
  • Biennial Hume-Rothery Lecture by Professor M. Grace Burke, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho
  • Drinks reception (dinner is not provided, but for those staying there are plenty of restaurants close to the department)


The following day, TUESDAY 18 MARCH, the David Cockayne Centre for Electron Microscopy will be holding an open day, to include presentations, tours and demonstrations (click here for more info:  dccem_open_day_2025.pdf )




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There is no cost to attend either event. To register, please fill out the following form: https://bit.ly/3YyVRXh



*Contributed posters for the Characterisation of Radiation Damage Symposium are welcome (deadline for submission is Monday 10th February), please use the template beneath and submit here:  https://forms.office.com/e/vNtZichvxD 



Nearer the time, links to view the live-streaming of this event will be added to this page.



For those unable to attend, a video of PROFESSOR SIR PETER HIRSCH IN CONVERSATION WITH PROFESSOR PETER NELLIST can be found at: https://youtu.be/wcuC-FW1IAI?si=4Hinj-4KxcBHoEhs 



Direct any queries to: lucinda.okane@materials.ox.ac.uk