Judy graduated from Northwestern University and completed her PhD at the University of California, Davis on the development of a Dynamic Transmission Electron Microscope where she was awarded a Lawrence Scholar Program Fellowship from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Her study on exothermic nanolaminate reactions was published as the first nanosecond + nanometer scale images and was awarded the Zuhair Munir Best Dissertation Award. She has also received the R&D 100 Award in 2008 and the Microscopy Today Innovation Award 2010 for her development work on the DTEM.
At the University of Oxford, her focus moved towards technique development using monochromation and aberration correction for characterization of energy and 2D materials. She has special interest in the various forms of in situ TEM and pushing the current boundaries of temporal resolution using novel optical setups, modified electron sources and modern detectors for application towards radiation sensitive materials.
Judy had spent several years as the manager of the double aberration corrected, monochromated JEOL 2200MCO instrument at Oxford Materials. She has also contributed to the design of the aberration corrected ePSIC instruments and building at the Diamond Light Source. Currently, she Deputy Director of Science at the Rosalind Franklin Institute co-leading a team that works with time-resolved electron imaging techniques for characterisation technique advancement in life science investigations using cryo electron ptychography, alternative scan patterns and liquid phase (S)TEM.