John Titchmarsh
Techniques for electron microscopy materials analysis: electron energy loss spectroscopy and X-ray analysis. Mechanical properties, precipitation and segregation in nuclear reactor alloys, ferritic steels, surface engineered hard coatings and ceramic composites. Extraction of information using chemometric techniques.
Selected Publications
Publications listing
Ahmed, S., Titchmarsh, J.M., Kilburn, M.R. and Grovenor, C.R.M. (2006). 'Examination of the influence of boron on the microstructure and properties of low C ferritic steels using NanoSIMS and TEM' Applied Surface Science 252(19) 7062-7065.
Chang, L.Y., Kirkland, A.I. and Titchmarsh, J.M. (2006). 'On the importance of fifth-order spherical aberration for a fully corrected electron microscope' Ultramicroscopy 106(4-5) 301-306.
Hetherington, C., Kirkland, A., Doole, R., Cockayne, D., Titchmarsh, J. and Hutchison, J. (2006). 'High resolution imaging using the Oxford abberation corrected TEM'. Microscopy and Microanalysis 11 1454-1455.
Huang, Y.Z. and Titchmarsh, J.M. (2006). 'TEM investigation of intergranular stress corrosion cracking for 316 stainless steel in PWR environment' Acta Materialia 54(3) 635-641.
Kamaya, M., Wilkinson, A.J. and Titchmarsh, J.M. (2006). 'Quantification of plastic strain of stainless steel and nickel alloy by electron backscatter diffraction' Acta Materialia 54(2) 539-548.
Lozano-Perez, S. and Titchmarsh, J.M. (2006). 'EFTEM Assistant v.1.0: A tool to understand the limitations of EFTEM'. Proceedings of the 16th International Microscopy Congress, Sapporo, Japan P7I-35.
Lozano-Perez, S. and Titchmarsh, J.M. (2006). 'EFTEM of nanoprecipitates: where are the limits?' Microscopy and Microanalysis 11, Suppl. 2 486-7.
Lozano-Perez, S., Jenkins, M.L. and Titchmarsh, J.M. (2006). 'Evidence for deformation-induced transformations of Cu-rich precipitates in an aged FeCu alloy' Philosophical Magazine Letters 86(6) 367-374.
Lozano-Perez, S., Jenkins, M.L. and Titchmarsh, J.M. (2006). 'Evidence of deformation-induced transformations of Cu-precipitates in FeCu alloy'. Proc. 16th International Microscopy Congress, Sapporo, Japan 1612.
Lozano-Perez, S., Sha, G., Titchmarsh, J.M., Jenkins, M.L., Hirosawa, S., Cerezo, A. and Smith, G.D.W. (2006). 'Comparison of the number densities of nanosized Cu-rich precipitates in ferritic alloys measured using EELS and EDX mapping, HREM and 3DAP' Journal of Materials Science 41(9) 2559-2565.
Lozano-Perez, S., Titchmarsh, J.M. and Jenkins, M.L. (2006). 'Determination of the Fe content of embedded Cu-rich particles in ferritic alloys using energy-filtered TEM' Ultramicroscopy 106(2) 75-91.
Lozano-Perez, S., Titchmarsh, J.M. and Jenkins, M.L. (2006). 'Quantitative EFTEM measurement of the composition of embedded particles' Journal of Materials Science 41(14) 4394-4404.
Hutchison, J.L., Titchmarsh, J.M., Cockayne, D.J.H., Doole, R.C., Hetherington, C.J.D., Kirkland, A.I. and Sawada, H.: 'A versatile double aberration-corrected, energy filtered HREM/STEM for materials science' Ultramicroscopy 103 (1) (2005) 7-15.
Hutchison, J.L., Titchmarsh, J.M., Cockayne, D.J.H., Hetherington, C.J.D., Kirkland, A.I., Doole, R.C. and Sawada, H.: 'A new double-corrected HREM/STEM and its applications for advanced materials' Microscopy And Microanalysis 10 (2005) 8.
Kamaya, M., Wilkinson, A.J. and Titchmarsh, J.M.: 'Measurement of plastic strain of polycrystalline material by electron backscatter diffraction' Nuclear Engineering And Design 235 (6) (2005) 713-725.
Sawada, H., Tomita, T., Naruse, M., Honda, T., Hambridge, P., Hartel, P., Haider, M., Hetherington, C., Doole, R., Kirkland, A., Hutchison, J., Titchmarsh, J. and Cockayne, D.: 'Experimental evaluation of a spherical aberration-corrected TEM and STEM' Journal Of Electron Microscopy 54 (2) (2005) 119-121.
Hetherington, C.J.D., Cockayne, D.J.H., Doole, R.C., Hutchison, J.L., Kirkland, A.I. and Titchmarsh, J.M. (2005). 'Aberration-corrected HREM/STEM for semiconductor research'. "Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials". Cullis, A.G.,Hutchison, J.L. 107 177-182.
Huang, Y., Cockayne, D.J.H., Marsh, C., Titchmarsh, J.M. and Petford-Long, A.K. (2005). 'Self-organized amorphous material in silicon(001) by focused ion beam (FIB) system' Applied Surface Science 252(5) 1954-1958.
Briceno-Gomez, M., Brown, P.M., Titchmarsh, J.M., Ahmed, S. and Schumacher, P. (2004). Microstructural characterisation of a rapidly solidified NiMo steel. Electron Microscopy And Analysis 2003: 257-260.
Hutchison, J.L., Allsop, N., Kirkland, A.I., Hetherington, C.J.D., Titchmarsh, J.M., Cockayne, D.J.H. and Dobson, P.J. (2004). Optimisd HREM imaging of CdSe nanoparticles. Proceedings of the 13th Electron Microscopy Conference. Antwerp, Belgium. 2: 93.
Kirkland, A.I., Meyer, R.R., Cockayne, D.J.H., Hetherington, C.J.D., Hutchison, J.L. and Titchmarsh, J.M. (2004). Exit wave reconstruction using an energy filtered aberration corrected TEM. Proceedings of the 13th Electron Microscopy Conference. Antwerp, Belgium. 2: 49.
Kirkland, A.I., Titchmarsh, J.M., Hutchison, J.L., Cockayne, D.J.H., Hetherington, C.J.D., Doole, R.C., Sawada, H., Haider, M. and Hartel, P.: 'A double aberration corrected, energy filtered HREM/STEM.' Jeol News 39 (1) (2004) 2.
Lozano-Perez, S., Titchmarsh, J.M. and Jenkins, M.L. (2004). Energy-Filtered imaging of Cu-nanoprecipitates. Electron Microscopy And Analysis 2003: 241-244.
Lozano-Perez, S., Titchmarsh, J.M. and Jenkins, M.L. (2004). TEM characterization of stress corrosion cracks in 304SS. Electron Microscopy And Analysis 2003: 233-236.
Sawada, H., Tomita, T., Kaneyama, T., Hosokawa, F., Naruse, M., Honda, T., Hartel, P., Haider, M., Tanaka, N., Hetherington, C.J.D., Doole, R.C., Kirkland, A.I., Hutchison, J.L., Titchmarsh, J.M. and Cockayne, D.J.H.: 'Cs corrector for illumination.' Microscopy and Microanalysis 10 (Suppl 2) (2004) 976.
Sawada, H., Tomita, T., Naruse, M., Honda, T., Hartel, P., Haider, M., Hetherington, C.J.D., Doole, R.C., Kirkland, A.I., Hutchison, J.L.,Titchmarsh, J.M. and Cockayne, D.J.H. (2004). 200kV TEM with Cs correctors for illumination and imaging. APEM, Japan Society for Microscopy.
Scruby, L.A., Titchmarsh, J.M. and Jenkins, M.L. (2004). The effect of radiation damage on anomalous absorption in the TEM. Electron Microscopy And Analysis 2003: 311-314.
Titchmarsh, J.M., Cockayne, D.J.H., Doole, R.C., Hetherington, C.J.D., Hutchison, J.L., Kirkland, A.I. and Sawada, H. (2004). A versatile double aberration-corrected, energy filtered HREM/STEM for materials science. Proceedings of the 13th Electron Microscopy Conference. Antwerp, Belgium. 2: 27.
Sha G., O'Reilly K.A.Q., Cantor B., Titchmarsh J.M. and Hamerton R.G.: 'Quasi-peritectic solidification reactions in 6xxx series wrought Al alloys' Acta Materialia 51, 1883-1897 (2003).
Wang X.Y., Jenkins M.L. and Titchmarsh J.M.: 'The use of EELS elemental mapping to study precipitation reactions in stainless maraging steel' Electron microscopy: Its role in Materials Science (The Mike Meshii Symposium), J. R. Weertman, M. Fine, K. Faber, W. King and P. K. Liaw, TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society), (2003), p. 217.
Lozano-Perez, S. and Titchmarsh, J.M.: 'TEM investigations of intergranular stress corrosion cracking in austenitic alloys in PWR environmental conditions.' Materials At High Temperatures 20 (4) (2003) 573-579.
Yamada T., Titchmarsh J.M., Dunin-Borkowski R.E. and Lozano-Perez S.: 'Elemental mapping of spinodal decomposition in duplex stainless steels', (2001), p. 179-182.