
Origin is powerful data analysis and graphing software for scientists and engineers. http://www.originlab.com/.

Origin is designed for Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Origin is site-licensed for the whole university, recently renewed until 4-Aug-2025.   
(see old  PDF Origin license renewal instructions as below)

The site-license is paid equally by Chemistry+Physics+Materials+Divisional Software Licensing Group.

Installation instructions for Department of Materials

Two different licensing methods exist:

  • license server for desktops (requires network connection to license server)
  • personal registration for laptops/home-use (can work without network, but requires annual re-activation)

Laptops or Home Computers: If you wish to install Origin software on a home computer or any laptop please visit https://web.chem.ox.ac.uk/origin/ and follow the installation instructions. Make sure you register with your @materials email address.  Note that the origin webpage is restricted, and only accessible from the Oxford University network, so if you are on wireless or elsewhere you will need to connect into the Oxford University network using VPN software in order to view the webpage instructions for downloading origin. 

Department of Materials Desktops:  

Most departmental computers on the wired network have the Software Center  which provides single-click installation of our standard software packages. Just open Software Center, select Origin and click install.

Alternatively email itsupport@materials.ox.ac.uk  to request that IT staff deploy Origin onto your desktop, stating your email address plus the hostname and IP address of the computer (Provide output of Start:Run cmd C:\> hostname; C:\> ipconfig )

Other Desktops:

Chemistry users should refer to https://web.chem.ox.ac.uk/origin/ or seek assistance from Chemistry IT staff for installing on departmental desktops.

Physics users should refer to https://www2.physics.ox.ac.uk/it-services/origin  or seek assistance from Physics IT staff for installing on departmental desktops.

Other departments (e.g. Engineering) can also deploy Origin and their IT staff should refer to guidance at https://wiki.it.ox.ac.uk/itss/DeployOrigin  Note that in August 2022 the license server changed so the  license file on previous installations at "C:\ProgramData\OriginLab\License\USE_SERVER.lic" may need editing to change flexlm.nsms.ox.ac.uk to flexlm.it.ox.ac.uk

Mac computers: 

Origin is designed to only work with Microsoft Windows operating systems. Mac users should consider alternative software such Graphpad Prism which is licensed via Medical Sciences Division (MSD). Contact Materials IT staff who manage a small batch of licenses via MSD currently costing £27.50/year. 

Older versions of Origin could run under Cross-Over Mac but this option no-longer seems to work. Alternatively, and less desirably, there are various methods for running Windows on a Mac either as a virtual machine  in Parallels or as dual boot, but these require increased resources both in terms of disk space and in terms of time keeping Windows updated, even if only to run Origin.

Information about Origin

See the Help menu for getting started with Origin, for help with Programming and for several useful Tutorials. Currently IT services does not run any courses about Origin.


Laptop users please be aware the the Origin license was renewed in August 2022 for a further 3 years. If you existing installation of Origin complains about licensing, please see these old PDF Origin license renewal instructions or the official Origin license renewal instructions. Alternatively download the latest version of origin from  https://web.chem.ox.ac.uk/origin/

Queries about the site license should be addressed to Paul Warren.

Queries about the chemistry webpages and chemistry license server should be addressed to Tom Bradshaw.